Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 10 - Swift Current, SK to Canmore, AB

Gotta love Canadian weather! We went from shorts, T-shirts and sandals to jeans, sweatshirts and sneakers - from running the air conditioner to turning on the furnace - from weather in the 80's to 45 (F)!

We were planning a short day, Swift Current to Strathmore, AB, but once on the road changed our minds and decided on Canmore, AB. Good thing, since by the time we got to Strathmore it was a deluge of rain and windy, not the weather we enjoy setting up camp in! Of course it rained, we washed the truck! Calgary was 're-habbing' its main street, meaning that it was sloppy mud.

Price of fuel - $1.10/l at Canadian Tire, with a bonus of 5 cents a litre of Canadian Tire money! Gotta love it. The price is good, but the amount we are buying isn't - three fill ups today!

The landscape changed along the way from fields of one crop to fields of another; and then as we went west, less flat with some rolling hills, and more and more oil wells. The fields are open to wind, so the houses are surrounded by thick windbreaks of trees, and the farmyards have sturdy wooden fences for protection. Such beautiful wide views and then they are not able to see them. Finally west of Calgary there were the mountains! Hard to see at first with the low black clouds and the rain, but then out came some sun and they were magnificent, with snow on the peaks.

As we came into Canmore it rained again, but slowed to a drizzle by the time we got to our campsite. Then out came the sun again! Great! We decided not to unhook the truck as the site was level and we could walk into the town. Since the sun was shining we set out right away. The park is developing some condos, with beautiful views of the mountains which we passed on our way along a path joining the park to the main street of town. Canmore is a pretty tourist town, and it was fairly crowded. We were glad to be walking! After looking at the prices on the posted menus in various restaurants we decided to eat back at the trailer - pricey little town. Just as I found a tempting fabric shop, we felt drops of rain, so we had to either stay and see what happened or head back, Mike quite pleased we decided to forgo the fabric shopping! Fortunately I had brought our teeny folding umbrella, but we were still plenty damp by the time we got back to the trailer.

Changed and dried off we enjoyed some supper, and a short period of sunshine before dusk. So here we are, nestled in the mountains with some tall spruce, and some tame bunnies hopping around nibbling on the grass. Perfect!

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