Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 17 - On the road again!

No blog for yesterday - poured rain the whole day so did laundry and grocery shopping - 'nuff said :)

Today we're ready to hit the road, but I haven't poured my Atlantic Ocean water into the Pacific yet! Well, it's not going to actually be the Pacific, but the water from here goes to there so it will have to do. So bright and early we're on our bikes headed for the water - dang! I forgot the camera! Good thing, too, because when I reached for the jar of water the bag on the back of my bike was......gone?? How did that happen? I am sure I put it on securely (obviously not) and don't remember going over any bumps. So that was a ride to nowhere!

We retraced our ride, but didn't find the bag - someone else's lucky day. They got bike gloves and a couple of lights, fortunately not the camera!

Back at the trailer we had a big breakfast - finished up the lovely organic eggs plus the rest of the blueberry/beef sausage since we're not allowed to take them across the border. Can't eat everything, so guess we'll be making another donation...

We plan on staying at a truck stop tonight, not sure if there will be internet, so this may be the last post for a couple of days. It's the end of Wheelygoode Across Canada, but we'll continue anyway as we plan on stopping at Yellowstone, an RV rally in Wyoming, friends in Michigan..... obviously more excitement to come!

No pictures today since I didn't take any yesterday (could have taken one of the laundry I guess) and forgot the camera earlier this morning (a very good thing).

So now we're on the road again!

Our route led us out of Vancouver and along the Trans Canada to the US Customs where there was an hour delay getting through. Once our turn came up it was fairly simple, until the guard said he would send someone to check our rig. OK, guess it's donation time again. But then he looked at our license plate, ran it in his computer and said "Have a nice day" and waved us on! Our fire-fighter plates are looked upon with respect in the US, and more than once have helped us at customs.

We followed I-5 along the Washington State coast and into Oregon where we turned onto I-84. We had glimpses of the waterfront in Seattle, looks like a beautiful city except for the heavy traffic - at 2 pm on a Tuesday! Glad it's not rush hour! Then we saw Mt. Rainier (about 3/4 snow covered) and passed the turnoff for Mt. St. Helen (but couldn't see it as it was too far away and other hills were in front). Our plan was to stop overnight at a truck stop just east of Portland, OR but both of the ones there were absolutely full of trucks and not an RV in sight, although they are usually RV-friendly. So on to a campground. Fortunately the Sandy River RV Resort was just a mile away, so we decided to check and see if they had room. It's in a lovely spot on a river where we can see Mt. Hood - also almost all snow covered.

We're in luck! Reasonable rates with a Good Sam discount, neat as a pin with concrete pull through pad that is perfectly level so we don't even have to consider unhooking! Plus free WiFi so I can update the blog for today.

It was 9:00 by the time we finished supper and had the dishes put away, and we're planning an early start tomorrow, so guess there won't be much internet use after all.

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