Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 2

It absolutely poured rain overnight, but fortunately stopped before we had to pull out. Since we were detouring from the Trans Canada at this point anyway, we decided to take the shore route (the rather rough 134 instead of the nicely paved 11) so that we could enjoy the small towns and villages with their interesting architecture and gorgeous views. Eventually, though, Mike and our very unhappy GPS 'Matilda' prevailed and we went back to the 11 :)

We then crossed the Gaspe peninsula (much to Matilda's dismay, she wanted us to cross New Brunswick and take the Trans Canada, even at this point). Beautiful mountains that we could just barely see - it began pelting down rain again to the point that we had to pull off the road and wait a while for it to let up enough to drive. There were some very wet, and likely very unhappy, motorcyclists ahead of us for much of the drive, going slowly and we couldn't pass them. It's OK we told ourselves, we're retired and not in a hurry. Yeah, right. Tell that to the driver!

By the time we hit the lower St. Lawrence the rain had slowed, but it was so cloudy and foggy that we couldn't tell where the river began, so we just stayed on the 132 and didn't take the more scenic river route.

Just outside Riviere du Loup we rejoined the Trans Canada, but were glad for the 'detour' around the Acadian peninsula. Now to decide where to spend the night! We had a stop planned, but decided since it was raining anyway we might as well keep going to make an easier day tomorrow. Maybe Levis? Decided to try for Drummondville, and chose a park from the campground guide.

Because of some faulty construction way back, the Quebec Dept. of Transport is continuing their removal of bridges along the highway, so when we took the indicated exit, we found the road blocked. OK, called the park. No answer. Called another park, and got some complicated directions involving returning to the highway and taking another exit and backtracking, but upon registration Mike was told the price was $54! No way! He called the first park again, more convoluted directions in rapid French (I was glad he made the call). Took the wrong road. Backtracked and tried again. A little better luck, but still not seeing the park. Another phone call in which Mike told the lady from the park where he was, but she thought he was facing the other direction, so she gave the appropriate directions from where she thought he was, saying she would come to the Shell garage and meet him. OK, but we couldn't find the Shell garage, and Matilda was no help as the one she had listed was too far away. Of course by then we were too far away as well. After a nice tour of downtown Drummondville, we returned to our first spot, went from there, saw the Shell garage but Mike wouldn't go in there to ask if we were finally on the right road, but picked a small Depanneur - they assured him it was just 5 km down the road. Well, we finally found the park, the owner was standing in the road waiting for us!

After all this I have to give a plug for the park - Camping Domaine du Repos, very nice and very quiet park and not at all difficult to access from the correct exit of the highway!

Very late supper, no hike, no bike ride :)

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