Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 21 - Cody, WY to Gillette, WY

This morning we were up extra early and got the trailer ready to go - Mike did the draining and filling of tanks job and I did the fastening down of furniture and closing slides, and then we were off.

Today’s goal? Gillette, WY for the Escapees RV Club Escapade! We have been Escapees members for several years - they did our mail forwarding when we were traveling, and we have met some really nice folks that we have spent time with in Arizona, California and Mexico. We have never been to an Escapade, but this year our travel dates worked out perfectly!

Our route is straightforward - continue on the Greybull Highway (route #14) to the I-90 to Gillette. We are seeing more ranches - endless fields of unirrigated pasture, mountains in the distance all around, and little signs of inhabitation by other than wild animals. Although there are miles of fencing, we don’t see any cows. And then we saw ..... an antelope! This is truly the land of “Home, home on the Range”.

Along the way we pass a benonite mine - the same stuff Mike uses in his winemaking process.

The #14 goes through another huge mountain range, with a pass at 10,000 feet. I expected more of the same type of Rocky Mountain scenery we have been enjoying, but this drive was completely different, and the most beautiful we have seen yet! Totally indescribable, so I am hoping I can soon get pictures up.

The road kept Mike busy - incredibly twisty and very steep, the road carved out of the side of the mountain. As we go along we can see where the road is on the mountain ahead of us and also behind us!

Then we went through the pass, and expected to be on the downhill side, but, no, we are still climbing, and continue climbing for quite a bit longer before the road leveled out. We’re now in high prairie land - around 8000 feet elevation - with pasture, a few ranches and other houses along the way, running a ridge on top of the mountains. All along there are signs that this is not a place we’d like to live in the winter - barriers that close the road off, signs saying to return to Greybull if lights flashing...Greybull! That’s miles back and would be a horrendous drive in snow.

Eventually what goes up must come down, and the sign reads ‘8% grade next 11 miles’, and ‘Matilda’s’ screen is a maze of twists and turns. So down we go, to around 4000 feet where we more or less stay for the duration of the trip.

Mike is actually happy to join the I-90 where the road is faster and straighter!

Did I mention it is hot? 96 degrees F when we reach Gillette!

We found the site of the Escapade, and were warmly and efficiently greeted and sent to our parking spot. We were prepared to dry camp, but are glad to have power to run the air conditioning! The Escapade doesn’t actually start until Monday, although there are a few events tomorrow, but there are a lot of folks here ahead of us.

We got settled, checked out some of the vendors who are already set up in the main building of the Camplex, got registered, Mike bought an Escapade shirt, and we got our packet of info that we will need for the week - we’re going to have a great time! There is WiFi inside the building (about 1/2 mile away from our unit) so we’ll be able to at least keep the blog up.

Beside us in the camping area are Jim and Linda from California - Jim is a wine connoisseur, and he and Mike talked wine as we all sat out in the shade of our trailer.

As I write this it is 9:30 pm and the temperature has dropped to a comfortable 80 degrees. It has been pitch dark for over an hour, and all we can see when we look out are a few lights behind shaded windows.

Good night!

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