Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 3 - on to Pembroke

It rained again overnight, so no bike ride this morning, although we walked around the sizeable park before leaving. Today our goal is to stay on the Trans Canada (that was a note to me, no problem with Mike doing a point A to B run).

Still spitting rain, but eventually we actually got some sunshine! It's a beautiful warm day, ruck says 80 degrees F. outside.

We easily drove through Montreal, making excellent time, when all of a sudden the traffic was backed up - forever. For a long time. Eventually whatever the problem was got resolved and we started going again, but slowly, because now there was construction.

We digressed from the Trans Canada to pay a visit to the cemetery in Dunvegan where my Mom and Dad are buried, and to drive by their old farm. Disappointing because you can't see any of it from the road - the present owners have let the trees all grow up. It's for sale, hope the new owners take better care of it.

We returned to the Trans Canada (same place we left it) and continued on our way, with no more detours! Just outside Pembroke there were more construction delays, but we made it to Perry and Jeanne's by late afternoon.

We (mostly Jeanne) were 'babysitting' Terra's children while she played baseball, so we all went to watch. Did I want to ride with Perry on his new bike? Silly question. I thought it was just nearby, but the field was in Petawawa, so I got a much longer ride than I anticipated and it was great! The bike is impressive - has all the bells and whistles plus a big engine, really nice ride.

We finished the evening with a game of Hillbilly Rummy and then crawled into bed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mom, you're a 'Biker Chick' now! Maybe a new hobby for you Dad!! Glad you're having fun :)
    David xo
