Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 4 - Visiting in Pembroke

We had a leisurely start to the day, chatting over breakfast on Jeanne and Perry's deck (including some fresh from the oven muffins that Gwenn made almost all by herself). Then I noticed that Tavyn seemed a bit bored, so I suggested a walk. The marina in Pembroke has a beautiful boardwalk that extends from the marina to Riverside Park, just a nice distance. I think it was more than Tavyn had signed up for, but we had a good hour's walk and chat.

Meanwhile Mike and Perry had gone shopping and found a BBQ cover to replace our bike cover that shredded and split, had figured out a better way to attach the bikes so they wouldn't bounce out of their track, and had done a couple of other small jobs around the RV. As soon as Tavyn and I got back with the truck they were ready to wash it!

Later in the afternoon we picked up some goodies at their local German bakery and got some fresh corn at a roadside stand plus fuel for the truck ($1.28/l) and returned to put supper together. Terra had picked blueberries that she donated towards blueberry grunt that Tavyn helped make.

We finished the evening with another game of Hillbilly Rummy,this time including Tavyn, who loves games. We told him next time he'd have to just go to bed - he was leading right up to the end when Jeanne was declared the winner.

We have had a great visit with everyone!

For those who notice there are no pictures with this entry, it is due to another 'oops' on my part. When I packed the computer, diligently including the charger, I left part of the charger in the wall......

Obviously now fixed!

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