Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 15 - Farmer's Market and Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge

We still have a couple of things on our 'list' for while we are here - one of them is the Lynn Canyon suspension bridge.

There are several suspension bridges in the region, the most famous (and likely the largest) being the Capilano bridge. However the bridge is part of a whole amusement type park, and the admission is much more than we are willing to pay when all we want to do is cross the bridge! Where do the locals go? Lynn Canyon! It is in a beautiful setting, has hiking paths etc. as well as the bridge, it's free and also nearby!

But first we had to visit the Farmer's Market as it is only open in the morning. It is in a park not far from here - walking distance! Well, depends on who you are. It ended up being a whole lot further than we thought! And it was hot and sunny - usually a good thing, but this time Mike thought it was more of a good thing than he wanted. But it was a beautiful walk, in a section of North Vancouver we likely would not have seen otherwise, in a park right on the water. Finally we got there, mainly looking for a nice loaf of bread but also anything else that looked good. Believe it or not, there was no bread! Two bakers, and they had other tasty and attractive things, but no bread at all. But we found blueberries (wished our freezer held more), fresh corn, and a vendor selling organic beef and blueberry sausages. That should take care of supper! We found a less roundabout way to get back home.

After lunch we walked back to the bus stop, and used some more of our tickets to go to Lynn Canyon. Being a sunny Sunday, we weren't the only ones going there! The bus was full, and when we got there the parking lots were full too (glad we took the bus).

The bridge is along a hiking path (8 km if you do the whole thing; we didn't) and is over a very deep gorge in the mountains complete with waterfall! The trees are unbelievably tall. The trail itself has some steep and rough places, and in other areas lots and lots of steps. It is a lovely park, great for families. Add a swimming hole (lots of wet dogs and kids!) and what more could you ask for?

Back on the bus we stopped off at the transfer point to enjoy North Vancouver's waterfront shops, ending up buying more cherries! I didn't think until afterwards that we have to take them across the border - hope they aren't on the forbidden list!

We finished off the day doing laundry. Ranks right up there with grocery shopping. The park has a nice laundry room with lots of machines, all being used so I can only do one load and have to do the rest tomorrow. Oh well, it's supposed to rain.

Is this where I say I beat Mike at cribbage (again)?

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