Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 14 - We've 'arrived'! Hope to North Vancouver

Next door to us in Hope are 2 couples from Australia who flew to Los Angeles, rented a car, drove to Vancouver, picked up an RV which they rented for 8 days and toured as far as Jasper, AB. Today they were dropping off the RV and getting on a boat for an Alaskan cruise before flying back home! They were really envious of the large RV's we have here - much different from the ones in Australia.

We left Hope fairly early, wanting to get to Vancouver before the afternoon traffic. From Hope the land gets flatter, and there are market gardens growing blueberries, corn, cherries etc. Surprisingly not so much irrigation is evident. BC logging is big business, and we saw some logs being sent downriver. And of course the trains!

We went through Chilliwack and Abbotsford and then quite well outside Vancouver the traffic got heavier, and didn't improve with the construction - they are building a new bridge, HOV lanes etc. to ease the congestion, but it is a big project so actually less delay than we would expect. The traffic eased only after we crossed to North Vancouver, making us really glad we didn't do the drive from Vernon to Vancouver today, which is a Friday.

Whew! We made it! We arrived at Caprilano RV park (very nice park, right in the city), got ourselves settled, had a quick lunch and then unloaded the bikes - we're going to cycle Stanley Park!

This RV park is right at the bottom of the Lion's Gate bridge, so we don't have to take the truck at all! There is a bike path ramp just outside the park, and there is a bike lane right to Stanley Park. This is a wonderful large park with 2 beaches and their concession stands, a huge pool, a totem pole area with some beautiful totems, lots of places to just sit and enjoy, and best of all a seawall that encompasses the entire park and which has both a walking and bike path!

Just as we got a bit inside the park, we heard beautiful music - a Chinese gentleman playing the erhu! He had a taped background, and had an amplified erhu. We chatted for a bit and he made some suggestions to improve the sound of my erhu - I wish I had brought it with me!

The seawall is exactly that, and we had great views of Vancouver with its cruise ship docks as well as large tanker ships, pleasure boats and seaplanes.

Cycling around the park was great! Nice and level - unlike crossing the bridge which was only great on the downhill side:) We're out of shape from basically sitting the last several days (my story and I'm sticking to it).

Back at the park I am sitting in the very nice lounge area overlooking the pool. It's a beautiful day, and so people are out sunbathing. Mike is back at the trailer relaxing outdoors (likely having a nap).

So, we are here! We plan to spend 4 nights here before heading south and east. Lots to do in Vancouver/Victoria!

1 comment:

  1. We are really enjoying your blog, so much fun!! Kinda cool about the man playing the erhu. I never heard of them before coming to China but you are in Vancouver now, and many Chinese there. Hope you have a wonderful time exploring, can't wait to read all about it and see the pics!
